The event commenced with a traditional lamp-lighting ceremony, graced by MIT Chairman Vishnu Sharan, Vice Chairman Puneet Agarwal, Campus Director Dr. Alok Chauhan, Director KLA Khan, Principal Dr. Himanshu Sharma, Pharmacy Principal Dr. Neeraj Kant Sharma, and HR Sonal Ahlawat. The ceremony set the tone for an evening filled with nostalgia and camaraderie. Alumni shared anecdotes from their college days, reflecting on their academic experiences and the transformative impact of their time at MIT.
The atmosphere was charged with emotion as attendees reminisced about the carefree days of college life, free from the pressures of attendance, exams, and deadlines. While time had altered their appearances, the bonds of friendship remained as strong as ever. The event not only celebrated these connections but also reinforced MIT’s commitment to fostering lifelong relationships with its alumni.
The successful organization of the event was made possible by the efforts of Dean Academics Gaurav Sharma, Sonal Ahlawat, Ritima, Naveen Kaushik, Ayush Singhal, Rupal Chaudhary, Aavishka, and Ajay Chaudhary. The evening concluded on a high note, with participants departing with renewed memories and strengthened ties, reaffirming the enduring legacy of MIT’s alumni network.